
🔗 lucos authentication

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
normalised-agentid true Attempts to fetch an agentid from lucos​_contacts
providers true Checks whether any providers have been configured
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire
provider-count 2

🔗 lucos backups

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
data-age true Whether the data being used to track backups is more than 2 hours old
disk-space-avalon true Whether more than 95% of disk space has been used on the host ""
disk-space-salvare true Whether more than 95% of disk space has been used on the host ""
disk-space-xwing true Whether more than 95% of disk space has been used on the host ""
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire
volume-config true Whether any docker volumes found on hosts aren't in config.yaml
volume-host true Whether any volumes in config.yaml aren't found on at least one host
disk-used-avalon 11
disk-used-salvare 61
disk-used-xwing 24
host-count 3
volume-count 17

🔗 lucos contacts

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
db true Looks up test user in database
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire
agent-count 977

🔗 lucos loganne

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
events-in-limit true Checks whether the number of events in memory is equal to or below the configured maximum (100)
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire
event-count 100

🔗 lucos mail docs

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
apache true Apache serving traffic
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire

🔗 lucos media manager

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
empty-queue true Queue has any tracks
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
queue true Queue has at least 5 tracks
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire
queue-length 28

🔗 lucos media metadata api

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
collections-weighting true Whether maximum cumulative weighting for each collection matches the sum of all its weightings
db true Does basic SELECT query from database
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire
weighting true Does the maximum cumulative weighting value match the sum of all weightings
collections-weighting-drift 0
track-count 14443
weighting-drift 0

🔗 lucos media metadata manager

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
metadata-api true Can connect to lucos media metadata API
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire

🔗 lucos media seinn

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
media-manager true Can fetch data from media manager
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire

🔗 lucos media weightings

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire

🔗 lucos monitoring

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire
system-count 23

🔗 lucos notes

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
data-file true Reads /var/lib/notes/data​_v2.json from file system
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire

🔗 lucos private

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire

🔗 lucos root

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
apache true Apache serving traffic
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire

🔗 lucos router (

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire
domain-count 30

🔗 lucos router (

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire
domain-count 5

🔗 lucos scenes

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire
input-count 3

🔗 lucos schedule tracker

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
lucos​_backups true Checks whether any of the 2 most recently finished runs of scheduled job 'lucos​_backups' were successful, and that the most recent happened in the last 259200 seconds
lucos​_backups​_prune true Checks whether any of the 2 most recently finished runs of scheduled job 'lucos​_backups​_prune' were successful, and that the most recent happened in the last 259200 seconds
lucos​_backups​_tracking true Checks whether any of the 2 most recently finished runs of scheduled job 'lucos​_backups​_tracking' were successful, and that the most recent happened in the last 10800 seconds
lucos​_contacts​_googlesync​_import true Checks whether any of the 2 most recently finished runs of scheduled job 'lucos​_contacts​_googlesync​_import' were successful, and that the most recent happened in the last 900 seconds
lucos​_media​_import true Checks whether any of the 2 most recently finished runs of scheduled job 'lucos​_media​_import' were successful, and that the most recent happened in the last 1814400 seconds
lucos​_media​_import​_new​_files true Checks whether any of the 2 most recently finished runs of scheduled job 'lucos​_media​_import​_new​_files' were successful, and that the most recent happened in the last 180 seconds
lucos​_media​_weightings true Checks whether any of the 2 most recently finished runs of scheduled job 'lucos​_media​_weightings' were successful, and that the most recent happened in the last 259200 seconds
lucos​_router​_avalon true Checks whether any of the 2 most recently finished runs of scheduled job 'lucos​_router​_avalon' were successful, and that the most recent happened in the last 259200 seconds
lucos​_router​_xwing true Checks whether any of the 2 most recently finished runs of scheduled job 'lucos​_router​_xwing' were successful, and that the most recent happened in the last 259200 seconds
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire
lucos_backups_age 44868
lucos_backups_errors 0
lucos_backups_prune_age 40387
lucos_backups_prune_errors 0
lucos_backups_tracking_age 3330
lucos_backups_tracking_errors 0
lucos_contacts_googlesync_import_age 149
lucos_contacts_googlesync_import_errors 0
lucos_media_import_age 307656
lucos_media_import_errors 0
lucos_media_import_new_files_age 37
lucos_media_import_new_files_errors 0
lucos_media_weightings_age 49933
lucos_media_weightings_errors 0
lucos_router_avalon_age 63941
lucos_router_avalon_errors 0
lucos_router_xwing_age 63948
lucos_router_xwing_errors 0

🔗 lucos static media

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire

🔗 lucos time

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
media true Makes HEAD request for media file from url​_00-00.mp4
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire


CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire

🔗 semweb

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire

🔗 tfluke app

CheckStatusTechnical DetailDebug
circleci true Checks status of most recent circleCI build
fetch-info true Makes HTTP request to​_info
tls-certificate true Checks whether the TLS Certificate is valid and not about to expire